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3 Tips to Detect Credit Card Skimmers

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon case throughout the country. As technology continues to grow, scammers are getting more sophisticated in stealing your credit card information. 27% of adults have been victim to credit card theft in 2016 from using cards in stores. It is important to be informed on how to prevent and report these devices.

What is a card skimmer?

A card skimmer is a device or series of devices (including scanners and cameras) used to steal your card information. Skimming is when there is an additional discreet device placed on a card reader and/or pin pad so that when you swipe or insert your card, that device transmits your credit card information to their computer to use at their disposal. These devices usually are placed over the original card scanners and number pads.

Are RFID chips secure from card skimmers?

Just as credit card technology advances, card skimmers are getting smarter. Skimmers now can activate the RFID chip to gather information. With that said, obtaining the information from the RFID chip alone may not be enough. However, when using a card reader skimmer, like in an ATM, they can access the RFID chip, magnetic stripe, and using a camera in the card reader to read the CVC code, scammers can get all the information they need to start making fraudulent purchases on your account.

If there is a card skimmer device, will my credit or debit card still be read by the original machine?

These skimmers are designed to sit just above or before the original manufacturer's card scanner. So your transaction will still go through normally, which is ideal for scammers. By completing a transaction, a scammer can get the information from the magnetic stripe, the RFID chip, the CVC security code on the back of your card, and the PIN number for your card.

How can I tell if there are skimming devices?

These devices are designed to appear as innocuous as possible, matching the design of a card reader or ATM, making it difficult to find at first glance. The good news is that there are ways to check if there are devices.

Here are some tips to follow the next time you need to use your card:

  1. Check the area where you swipe or insert your card for any adhesive or extra plastic. You can do this by tugging and squeezing the card cover or swiper. The plastic should not be able to move, bend, or shift. A man at a 7-11 in Seaford, NY was able to identify a card skimming device using this method.
  2. Check the number pad-does the pad feels flush the machine? Note any "layers" or appearance of an additional number pad on top of the original. Also, look under the number pad covers for any cameras or devices facing the number pad. Look carefully-the camera lens can be as small as a screw. Always assume someone is watching you when you complete a transaction: cover your hands as you enter your pin number in case there is a camera.
  3. Swipe or Insert the card yourself whenever possible. If an employee needs to swipe your card, watch them carefully for any suspicious behavior. Employees could potentially swipe your card on their own device, or have a skimmer on the register machine.

Most Importantly, if you are unsure about the integrity of a card reader or ATM, follow your gut: Do not use the reader and contact the police, even if you are not completely sure. If you live in NY, you can send a report autonomously through the See Something, Send Something App. If you find a card skimming device, contact the local police immediately. Do not use the card reader. 

Contact Radius Investigations today for a free consultation on how to protect yourself from identity theft at 1-888-698-0077

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For any family, the disappearance of a loved one can cause immense emotional and personal turmoil. For missing persons cases, hiring a Private Investigator can be of great benefit in assisting the affected family to find the missing person, or at least develop sufficient information to provide closure.

While it is highly appropriate and necessary for family members to contact the local authorities as soon as there is a suspicion that a person has been abducted or has disappeared under questionable circumstances, individuals do need to remember police response can vary, based on the circumstances and the age of the individual, as well as limited police resources. (more…)

The intent meaning of World Wide Web no longer means what it stands for...WWW is now considered what it used to - WILD WILD WEST.

As of 6-19-11 the Close knit community of Medford, Long Island NY was stricken down with brutally senseless violence that left 4 dead. Shattered on the floor of Haven Pharmacy were innocent lives of men and women all of whom had no idea that on that morning they would not return to their loved ones.  A man killed 4 people on a quiet Sunday morning robbing a local Pharmacy and ran away.

Unfortunately, the “WWW” has not removed itself to far from the days when anyone could take whatever they saw in front of their eyes. The measures in place to help identify and aid in the prosecution of such monstrous acts of immorality and viciously heinous acts are as antiquated in such fashion; leaving no room for protection or protocol.

Radius Investigations has the issue at hand under control with proven tactics that will aid in the prevention of such acts against Pharmacy’s who not only are at risk but have experienced patterns as such.

Protocols of emergency procedure need to include the following:

  • Protocol and procedure training in various identifiers of counter surveillance of person’s who fall under the suspicious activity report guidelines “SAR’s”, set in place
  • Security personnel on premise with the ability to provide protection & emergency response procedure “ERP” in high priority incident preparedness
  • The proper training of individuals that are employed by the facility in the implantation of emergency response procedure in high priority incident preparedness
  • Direct connection to Emergency response via telecommunication  dial out to central station monitoring within the specific quadrant of each facility to Law Enforcement agencies
  • A Law Enforcement liaison infrastructure for high priority incidents
  • Annual in-service  training for the individuals appointed as “ERP” Employee’s

Call Radius Investigations for more information on this topic


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