NOTE: If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions outlined below, DO NOT proceed with registration or enrollment with any courses offered by Guardian Security Training. (herein will also be abbreviated as “GST”)
The person who intends on completing or has completed a transaction with Guardian Security Training will be herein named “Student”.
Refusal of Registration
Guardian Security Training, reserves the right to refuse or cancel a registration for any reason, unless specified by any applicable federal, state, or local laws. Reasons for refusal or cancellation of a registration can include, but is not limited to: criminality, whether suspected or proven, incorrect or fraudulent information provided by the Student, Student is under the age of 18, intent to harm, etc.,.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is applicable to all persons on school property or attending a school training class or function.
Guardian Security Training staff are committed to promoting an environment conducive to learning and as such all students who enroll in our classes must be orderly and respectful.
All staff and students will maintain a climate of mutual respect and dignity.
All staff will establish clear lines of communication with students during training session, and encourage students to do the same.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Guardian Security Training is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, admissions, and employment. It is our policy to provide equal opportunity for all students and staff; and to prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, age, sex (including Pregnancy), disability; color or sexual preference. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.
Course Pricing
Upon completion of the school enrollment agreement, whereas course classes are rendered and completed all applicable school fees will be collected, subject to full payment from the student to the schools instructor as outlined in the course pricing listed above. Fees are payable in the form of cash or money order (no personal checks). A printed and signed receipt will be issued for all fee transactions.
Course Pricing for Veterans
Guardian Security Training is a veteran-owned training facility and provides a special price tier for US veterans. Students who have a veteran status from the US military are eligible for the veteran price tier. Upon enrollment in this tier, the student must submit a copy of either their DD 214 or their veterans ID card through the following: Scanned and emailed to info@gstny.com, faxed to 631-351-6488, or mailed to: 940 Grand Blvd., Unit A, Deer Park, NY 11729.
Students who enrolled in the veteran price tier and fail to submit this documentation will be billed for the difference to the regular enrollment price that is due upon the day of the scheduled class.
Completion Requirements
A student is required to be present 100% of the time during the time of instruction. Completion of the requested course will not be given a certificate of completion without student participation and in full attendance. Based on the nature of the course the student may be tested and be made to meet testing requirements as outlined by New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. When all criteria are fulfilled, then the student will be given a certificate of completion.
Tuition Refund Process
If a tuition refund is requested and all criteria are met as outlined in the refund policy, he student shall give Guardian Security Training 30 days from the date of refund request to refund the students money. Refunds will be issued in the form of a check and and the cashed check is the students receipt of such transaction. The student agrees to not initiate a
charge-back on credit card payments, used to register for a class.
Attendance Policy
Students need to be present for 100% of the course instruction to be eligible for course completion.
Complaint Procedure
If for any reason you should have questions, concerns or complaints that you feel the schools instructor cannot resolve, please call the Division of Criminal Justice Service (DCJS) @ (518) 457-2667.
Cancellations and refund requests must be submitted in writing. Written requests for cancellation can be emailed to info@gstny.com, faxed to 631-351-6488 or sent by postal mail to: Guardian Security Training, 940 Grand Blvd., Unit A, Deer Park, NY 11729. Written requests must include: The registrant’s full name, either a phone number or email that is directly to the registrant, and the class name and date they wish to cancel.
A 100% refund will be available should a student need to cancel prior to class beginning. If the instructor should need to cancel a course date prior to class beginning, a 100% refund will be given (unless an agreed rescheduled date is made). Students will be entitled to a 100% refund any time prior to the start of instruction. If a course is divided between two four-hour days, students will be entitled to a 50% refund if the student cancels before the start of the second four-hour block of instruction.
For the 16-hour OJT course (16 Hour On-the-Job Security Training Course): Students will be entitled to a 50% refund if the student cancels before the start of the second eight-hour block of instruction. If the instruction is divided between four four-hour sessions, the refund schedule shall be 75%, 50% and 25%.
47 hour firearms course: Student will be entitled to an 85% refund if the cancellation occurs after the initial deadly physical force training begins, but before instruction begins for the firearms handling, safety, proficiency, and qualification component of the course. No refund is owed if the student cancels after the above cited firearms handling component instruction has begun.
A DCJS approved security guard training school cannot assess any non-refundable registration fees, cancellation fees, or deposits.
Job Placement, Exam Scores, and Advancement
Guardian Security Training is not a job placement agency. Job placement, job promotion, job advancement, etc.,. cannot be guaranteed, regardless if a Student registers, submits payment, attends, and/or completes any of the courses offered by GST. GST cannot guarantee the passing or score level of any exams, regardless if the examination is offered by GST, affiliates, outside vendors or providers, or any federal, state, or local agencies. Guardian Security Training can provide job assistance services, which is defined as any of the following:
- Resume and cover letter review
- Career advisement
- Job search recommendations
- Letters of recommendation
Miscellaneous Terms
47 Hour Firearms Security Training Course: Students must possess a current and valid New York State Pistol Permit / License and a New York State Unarmed Security Guard Registration to take this course. The Student is responsible for purchasing ammunition for the course. By registering in this course and signing the Enrollment Agreement, the Student agrees to these terms and has met these requirements. Students who fail to bring these required documentation to the scheduled course date will not be permitted to attend the class.
8 Hour Annual Firearms Security Training Course: Students must possess a current and valid New York State Pistol Permit / License and a New York State Armed Security Guard Registration to take this course. By registering in this course and signing the Enrollment Agreement, the Student agrees to these terms and has met these requirements. Students who fail to bring these required documentation to the scheduled course date will not be permitted to attend the class.
Security Guard Training Courses: All NYS Security Guard Training courses require at least a score of 70% on all of the exams given in the course to successfully complete the course.
Enrollment Agreement
The enrollment agreement is the contract signed between the student and Guardian Security Training. The agreement specifies the conditions under which Guardian Security Training will provide instruction to the student. It also specifies all costs a student must pay in order to enroll in a specific training course or program. A copy of the completed enrollment agreement will be given to the student upon enrollment. The terms that are contained within the enrollment agreement are outlined in this page. By completing registration for courses on gstny.com, you agree to the Enrollment Agreement and Terms and Conditions, and will receive a copy of the school catalog to the email provided. If you wish to receive a hard copy of the school catalog, you can submit a request to info@gstny.com, call 631-351-6473, or by postal mail: 940 Grand Blvd., Unit A, Deer Park, NY 11729
By completing the registration process for any courses offered by GST or any of its affiliates, the Student agrees to the Enrollment Agreement and all of the Terms and Conditions outlined on this page. Registration cannot be completed without the Student showing evidence of agreement to these terms. Students can agree in the following ways:
Check the box next to “I agree” in the Enrollment Agreement section of the registration form for any courses listed on gstny.com .
Request a copy of the Enrollment Agreement to sign. Students can submit a request to GST by phone at 631-351-6473, email at info@gstny.com or via postal mail to: 940 Grand Blvd., Unit A, Deer Park, NY 11729
2a. Students can send back the completed and signed Enrollment Agreement form through the following: Scanned and emailed to info@gstny.com , faxed to 631-351-6488, or mailed to: 940 Grand Blvd., Unit A, Deer Park, NY 11729
Note that a Student will not be able to register and submit payment for any courses offered by GST or its affiliates until GST receives the Enrollment Agreement by the Student.