If you are getting divorced and have been ordered to pay alimony, you can use the help of local private investigators. Long Island is home to Radius Investigations, and our team has helped numerous divorcees make sure they are only paying the amount their former spouse deserves. If you suspect your alimony is higher than it should be, you should let us know so we can investigate the situation.
In many cases, alimony is based on the amount that your former spouse needs in order to live somewhat comfortably after the divorce. He or she needs to let the judge know about all living expenses and income so that the alimony can be properly calculated. Of course, most people want to get as much money as possible, so they may try to pad their expenses and hide any current income.
If you suspect your former spouse is trying any of these tricks, you need to hire our team of private investigators. Long Island residents who have recently divorced have been thrilled with the outcome of their case since we have been able to help reduce the alimony they have to pay.
In many cases, when your former spouse either moves in with a non-relative or gets married, the alimony is supposed to stop, or at least get reduced. This is why many people may hide the fact that their living situation has changed, since this allows them to keep collecting money from their ex. Of course, this is not fair to you if you are paying alimony for someone who no longer needs it.
If you think your former spouse may be living with a new partner, get help from our team of private investigators. Long Island judges want to know if your former spouse is taking advantage of the system, and of you, so they will likely be eager to look at the evidence we can collect for you. Contact us today if you are interested in our services.