Many people choose to hire an NYC Private Investigator to confirm their suspicions that their spouse is cheating. If you have a feeling that your spouse is being unfaithful, Radius Investigations can get the proof you need, whether it turns out your intuition is right or not. We have access to various resources that can confirm suspicions, so once you let us know what you think your spouse is up to, we can put our skills to work to find out if what you suspect is true.
One method we commonly use is monitoring what your spouse does online. Many people not only meet others through the internet, but they also regularly interact with them online. A qualified NYC detective can use software and other methods to track your spouse’s email accounts, chat room activity, and social media exchanges.
This is helpful if you do not have your spouse’s password for these accounts, but even if you do, we can uncover details you would never see. If your spouse is trying to be careful, he or she may be deleting communication online, but an experienced NYC detective knows how to find what your spouse is desperately trying to hide.
We can also track your spouse’s vehicle as he or she meets up with the other man or woman. In fact, this allows us to identify the other person, if you so desire. We use discreet vehicle tracking devices and surveillance equipment to keep a close eye on your spouse. If you need proof of cheating, our methods are especially useful since we can take photos and videos of your spouse.
It should be clear that the assistance of an NYC detective is integral to obtaining proof of infidelity. Whether you need this for court or just for peace of mind, contact us today.